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About Us

First, let me just say, that we are not psychologists, couple’s therapists, or relationship experts. We are individuals, observers, and real-world contributors who believe long-term and healthy relationships are good for the mind, body, and spirit. ​

We believe that a relationship without romance is like a candle without a flame.

Our Vision is to curate meaningful, unforgettable experiences that rejuvenate relationships and strengthen bonds. We aim to inspire couples to reconnect, rediscover joy, and nurture their love through carefully crafted, innovative date night ideas that celebrate intimacy, communication, and shared experiences.

" Falling in love is easy—It's staying in love that’s the challenge"

Make no mistake, "date night" is not the all-encompassing answer to every problem, in every relationship. But it is a fun way to get the lines of communication started and flowing again, which hopefully leads to the resolution of other issues in your relationship. Even if you’re in a good place with your significant other, there’s nothing wrong with adding a little spice to make it better.

Commit to the challenge!


Spice it up - This is where we will provide date night information, ideas, how-to videos, and short stories from our members , so please don't forget to sign up and share your Date Night or Love Story with us.​


Our Forum - Is our relationship (Q&A) table where ideas and views on relationship issues can be exchanged pertaining to love, heartbreak, marriage, commitment, and dating. Together, we discuss ways to enhance our relationships, offer support, and share our experiences. Come share your date night stories with us and become an inspiration to others. ​

Please donate or purchase!  Your donation or purchase will help us maintain our forum and provide support for domestic abuse victims. The NCADV (National Coalition against Domestic Violence) support men, women, and children who found themselves in situations of those who thought they found love, but instead found a nightmare and are now in a fight for their lives, and perhaps, the lives of their children.

If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, contact police, seek medical help, and call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. The help line should be able to put you in touch with a domestic violence shelter in your area.


Mom, Dad...Although you are no longer with me, your courage, compassion, understanding, and unconditional love continues to inspire me. I love and miss you so very much.

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